The hospital is designated by the NHS as being for intermediate care providing short term care for patients leaving the acute hospital (the Conquest and Eastbourne). Patients can be referred for ongoing care and rehabilitation prior to going home. This will be organised through their consultant, the discharge team or the ward. Patients may also come straight from home having been referred by their GP or District Nurse. All patients have to be accepted by the Ward Matron or Senior Nurse on duty, having been assessed for suitability and whether their needs can be met.
Private patients may self-refer or be referred by friends or relatives to be admitted for convalescence or respite alone. Medical history will be obtained from the patient’s GP, and a plan of care formulated before admission. Stays will normally be for two weeks but may be extended for up to a month. Patients will provide their own medicines, and any private services will be organised and paid for by the patient.
The NHS now provide an experienced physiotherapist and occupational therapist for inpatients which is aiding recovery and confidence, often leading to earlier discharge. The hospital boasts a gym with some state-of-the-art equipment for use at all stages of recovery, and there is a small kitchen for patients to relearn skills.